Rudolf Steiner Offerings (2024): Workshops & Seminars based on Spiritual Science Teachings
During this 3 hour interactive workshop, Daniel will sketch a high-level picture of humanity’s spiritual mission and its possible evolutionary timelines in the context of current world events.
Shattering the Top 12 New Age Myths and Spiritual Misconceptions of Our Era Some text here
Fundamentals of Karma & Reincarnation with Past-Life Case Studies Some text here
Spirits of Love & Freedom: Joining the Spiritual Battle for Humanity's Soul Some text here
Intro To Rudolf Steiner Series (Part 1): The Some text here.
Intro To Rudolf Steiner Series (Part 2): The Some text here.
Rudolf Steiner Weekend Retreat: Delving into spiritual science with a view to understanding humanity's evolutionary path Some text here
Please see below for further event details and logistics.
Blessings & Gratitude, Daniel G
Freedom Spirits Revised: Content Synopsis
This seminar draws primarily on Rudolf Steiner’s Supersensible investigations into spiritual realms, which dovetail with Daniel’s modern Spiritual-Scientific research. Our central theme revolves around humanity’s hidden mission to become Masters of Spiritual Freedom within the Cosmic Matrix. Throughout this exploration, we'll take short detours into relevant topic areas:
Overview of Steiner’s 7-part breakdown of human Spiritual Physiognomy
Exploring the role of 9 Spiritual Hierarchies and Planetary Influences
Introduction to Archangel Michael as the ruler of Cosmic Intelligence
Brief outline of 7 Earth Stages and corresponding Human Evolutionary Phases
Understanding the 3 Opposing Powers that are most impacting humanity right now
Daily Heart-Centered practices to ground you in the midst of energetic outer chaos